Mr David Nevin
Nevin, Benjamin, McKay & Bartlett LLP
P.O. Box 2772
Boise, Idaho 83701
Mr. Nevin
On August 23, 2013, I sent you an email with incontrovertible evidence that the September 11, 2001 attacks couldn't possibly have been masterminded by Muslims.
2000+ military, intelligence, industry professionals do not believe the official account of 9/11 -- and many are willing to testify to that.
I have summarized enough facts to acquit your client in my brief book "9/11 Unveiled" and other exhibits on the Internet. I have presented this evidence to thousands in talks here and abroad. The audiences have found the evidence convincing.
This evidence has been mailed to President Obama -- and the Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court -- . I received confirmation that this evidence now resides in the archives of the ICC, and is available at the links embedded in the preceding.
I understand that you "joined with legendary trial lawyer Gerry Spence in the successful defense of Geoffrey Fieger". I admire Gerry Spence's defense of the underdog, and corresponded with him -- perhaps around 10 years ago.
How can you, in good conscience, ignore the facts, presented by so many highly-qualified individuals, who contradict the official account?
I am prepared to assist you without fee. I can be reached at 202-xxx-xxxx.
Founder & CEO
The Wisdom Fund
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